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really beautiful art + fab writing, the characters are all rlly charming, and i loved whats out in the demo so far!! excited to see where this goes<3

Boo, a comment. 

This is genuinely such a charming game, there is just enough customization with the MC that it still feels like your own character without having the character be a blank slate. The characters are amazing and all have such unique personalities, and I will love to see where each of their stories go and how each of their endings will be (Maybe even see if they have their own bad/good ending 👀).

As to not make my rambling too long, as I can totally 100% can do, I'll just say my final thoughts. I'm totally going to see where this story goes, and follow development. Plus, Katie, she's adorable, I love her and I'll never be able to leave her. 

I just finished the demo (gotta redo it with the brave options) and I adore it. Mia, Warren and Jade are so precious <3 I love the little unlockeable scenes, I'm very much looking foward for this

(sorry if i misspelled something, English is not my first language jsjs)

(1 edit)

Enjoyed the demo a lot! I just wish the scores at the end showed the highest and lowest possible percentage. The only problem I see is if you change our pronouns later and mention it to Griffin, he says he knows because Warden saw your sticker, but I never chose the sticker.


Just played the demo and I'm looking forward to the full release!!

dear god, where to start!! this demo was absolutely AMAZING and i cannot wait to play the full game (❁´◡`❁) i love all the characters but my love for griffin will be unmatched (fellow diabetes buddy lol) 

all in all, amazing demo and i cant wait to play the full game!! keep up the good work!! ヾ(≧▽≦*)o


Plz mobile version, I'm willing to pay ❤️. This seems like a nice game and I'm very curious on trying it.

i cant pay for the walkthrough but i've gotten all of the achievements except for '???' (im a completionist even for demos) how do i unlock that one?? 


I have immense respect for u. Because the second chance and lady doth protest achievements are ~ painful~. 

You need to name Warden  “Spot", “Lucius", or “Abigail", because the dev did some writing for Ballad of midnight and those are the characters names


alguém sabe se esse jogo ainda vai ter continuação???( •̯́ ^ •̯̀)



Just finished the demo and can I say WOW! It was sooo good! I love all the characters and you can tell you put so much effort into it! You inspired me to actually work on my own game I'm planning lol

Loved the characters, loved the art, loved the dialogue.

 Wonderful demo❤️

(1 edit) (+2)

Herotome is an absolute masterpiece in the realm of visual novels! From the stunning art to the mesmerizing music, every aspect of this game is crafted with immense love and attention to detail. I am in awe of the creativity and talent that went into this game. The characters in here are truly amazing and captivating. Each one has a unique charm that keeps me wanting to learn more about them. Warden, in particular, has a certain charisma that is hard to resist. I need more of him!! I'm eagerly looking forward to future updates and am thankful for this incredible masterpiece. It deserves all the recognition it can get!

I really liked it, it's fun.

(4 edits) (+2)

Help. I played the game for Mia, but ended up falling in love with everyone D:

Ok but seriously I love the way you write each characters and I really enjoy their dynamic and bantering with each other. And I admire how you write a wonderful disability representation with Griffin! She/he became one of my favorites along with Mia and Jade. Also the art and the gui? The dialogues? The humor? LOVE them all. I'm both fascinated and terrified of how you manage to do this all alone.

Also it's SO rare to see VNs/IFs/dating sims with superhero theme (the only other one I found is Fallen Hero: Rebirth and its sequels, which I also recommend btw), I'm excited to see what you'll do with the superhero trope and how the characters/MC deal with being one. Really really looking forward to the full release! (in your own pace of course)

Me too!! TvT i like dating sims with superhero theme!!! I wanna recommend Binary Star Hero written by concreteparasite to u if u like ;) (also can be found in itch)  And if u don't mind...where can i find Fallen Hero : Rebirth?(i fali to search it on itch TvT)

The Fallen Hero games aren't on itch, they're from Choice of Games. You can get them on Steam or in Choice of Games' "Hosted Games" mobile app. However, I honestly wouldn't recommend them. They are intentionally very obfuscatory. There's a lot of information that you aren't given, even though your character would know it and it's crucial information for the decisions you'll be making throughout the game. You basically need to play all of them before you can even properly RP the first one.

awww thank u  so much !!! >333 hahaha i get it now though i may play it too cuz i really love this theme lol I may have a try. Anyway thanks again! >33


I absolutely adored this demo, so far Griffin really has my heart. I hope for nothing more than to see more of him (Or her if it's a she day) And the story is honestly super fun to get into. Imagining my own version of MC is a good time too.


i LOVE mia she's so CUTE, crying rn

I love this demo - I can't wair for more/the eventual full version, I'm excited for every route (and that definitely isn't always the case!) x

Jade is so godamn cute, i'm smitten oml 😳

such a wonderful, sweet and funny demo :'D I love it, the characters are wholesome, cute and adorable and KATIE, I love love love my kitty :3

Sweet, I love the premise that isn't touched on often in visual novels. I look forward to seeing more and getting to flirt more with Warden lol


Stellar presentation, great looking characters with dynamic personalities, and a story full of intrigue built on top of a very cool urban fantasy world.  There is incredible value here.  Over 4 hours for a single playthrough, after which several choices were unlocked for me to go back and try.  Herotome is brimming with choices, and half the fun is selecting a choice that might seem off-the-wall to see what will happen next.

I found myself quickly invested in the plight of the MC and her beloved cat.  And I was impressed by the number of sensitive and culturally relevant topics the narrative tackles with a deft hand.

There is so much to explore here! Download this demo!


 Incredible. Both the art and characters are stunningly beautiful and sooo loveable! Looking forward to the finished product.

(3 edits) (+7)

lovely lovely lovely lovely

i played the last demo like 4 times, and i'm so glad i waited for the superdemo!!! warden my love!!

hilarious and interesting and beautiful at the same time???? oh my gosh. i can't wait for the full game!! i can actually i would wait an entire lifetime for griffin my love  


small question: is there anyway to distinguish mc's thoughts from her dialogue? sometimes she's talking with warden and i'll be so surprised to hear him respond because i thought she was thinking 😭 i seriously thought he was reading our mind for a minute 😭

edit: i was wondering if i forgot to rate it and i saw that i rated it 2 years ago 😭😭😭😭 cannot believe it's been so long 

but! i really want to thank you for sharing your petri dish personalities with us ✨ best way to spend my evening :)

(1 edit) (+3)

griffin has me down bad i'm afraid. 

weakforthewink 😔👊


I'm loving it so far! But I had a question. How can I be more "brave"? I've tried all kinds of choices but I STILL AINT BRAVE ENOUGH TO KISS THE LANDLORD'S BOOBOO BETTER 🤣

(1 edit) (+1)

you unlock the locked options by completing the superdemo!! kiss that booboo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i did the same thing lol. restarted the game just to be as violent and as mean as possible but nothing worked :P


loved the first demo, love love love the super demo! it has been so special to see this project grow and grow, i cant wait to stick with it and see what happens next <3


I've been following this project on Tumblr least a year and a bit? And I'm just- UGH

I love it. you and the rest of the people who've contributed have done an astounding job. After hyping myself up since like, 2021, I'm very pleased. Thank you for putting so much work into this. I hope whatever you decide on next is equally amazing <3

Since 2021?! Even I haven't been around that long-- jkjkjk I've been here. 

Thank you for sticking with us for so longgg ❤️❤️❤️ I too hope whatever I decide on next is, not just equally, but MORE amazing!


I LOVED the demo and had a blast playing and getting to know the characters! The art is really nice and I love how dynamic it is. Even the unfinished sketches and lineart are super awesome, excited to see it all finished and polished! I enjoyed the writing as well, it felt very engaging and kept me interested and curious to know more.

I'd like to also give my thoughts on an aspect I think could be changed, but I wanted to mention that I loved it before I gave some criticism lol. Just, something I'm kinda ehhh on is that it feels like you get punished for being shy or anxious. I get that they're not really heroic qualities, but you mainly get negative reactions from it, like hits to valor or Griffin's approval. And I think it's slightly unfair, as being shy isn't like... a bad thing to be. Or makes you a bad person. IDK, it'd just be nice to rp as someone who is more timid without getting on people's bad sides lol. As long as you're brave when it really counts, I think that would matter the most.

That's really about it. I'd just like it if there were more freedom to be someone shy (with room to grow into a more confident, brave person by the end Perhaps?) without it being a wholly negative thing. But of course, this is all just my opinions and take it with a grain of salt. Thanks for reading if you do anyways, can't wait to see the game develop overtime! <3


Hi there, it's a fair criticism! I would like to note that this demo largely consists of a job interview, and to progress in the story, the player will have to get the job. 

I do explain this with some detail in my walkthrough, but I understand not everyone will read or have access to that explanation, so I will put this here as well.

There seems to be a general misunderstanding that approval = how much someone personally likes you. This is not the case. Griffin likes you regardless, but approval indicates how much likely you are to be paired with someone for work. Griffin prefers to be paired with someone who is more outgoing and is actively interested in success. He is aware that, if you're not as interested in a role in the spotlight, you would be better off paired with another team member. That's all.

Believe it or not, I've suffered from severe shyness and anxiety in my real life and it's something I've had to rein in in professional settings in order to succeed. If I lived in the game, I would take many, many hits to my valor. And that's okay! Losing points does not make me a bad person. It does not make you a bad person. It does not make MC a bad person. The points don't determine whether you're a good or a bad person.

There is no real punishment for losing valor points unless you lose a certain amount, at a certain point later in the game. There will be opportunities to recover your valor points. No harm no foul.

I understand and I apologize if my depiction of shyness did not represent you, however, it does represent me and how I've navigated the world. It is NOT a wholly negative thing, even if you feel that is the case. Later on, when the player has gotten the job, shyness and anxiety should have more room to simply be, without being associated with points.

Thank you.


Ah okie! As long as I'm not making Griffin hate me then that's good to note ksfvnsnv I didn't want to be making enemies by being my awkward self lol. And I think what threw me off was a certain option being locked behind valor points- the one where you ask if an employee was okay. I was like oh... does the valor correlate with your morality then? And I was thrown off a bit. It was more like I was confused as to why the more anxious options took hits to valor, alongside the cruel or mean ones. If that makes sense. Thank you so much for the response and the clarification btw! I hope I didn't come off as angry or something. Just thought I'd give my feedback n all that!

I love this game so far, I can’t wait until the full game comes out! Also i’m in love with Griffin.


Fantastic demo, really excited to see more in the future!


I haven't played the demo yet, but I have to say I love this itch page!! The design is SO dynamic and responsive!! I'll def give the demo a try & rate it!


I'm really looking forward to the full game. I'm wondering if other MC avatars will be displayed on the CG in the final version of the game? I really like Sunflower, I would like to see her in the CG)


My face?? Hurts??? From smiling SO damn much??? Like??? Ugggghhh I think this new demo just replaced the lost years of my life 😫💛

(1 edit) (+4)


also warden is bbg ngl




just played it all... I really liked!


Please android version 🙏

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